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When analysis finishes, several report files are created in the project folder under the newly generated sub-folder ".PCMReports" which can be easily accessed by clicking the "Reports" button (on the top right).Alternatively, a quick way to open the Quality report in Excel is clicking the excel icon X at the bottom-right corner of the file list.

Most reports are available in 2 flavors: HTM and CSV files.
HTM files are in the same format as web pages (HTML) and can be read by any Internet browser (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera), but can also be read by most spreadsheet applications (such as Microsoft Excel, Gnumeric, LibreOffice Calc) which is preferable since some reports contain spreadsheet formulas, colors and alignment of the data fields. NOTE: only Microsoft Excel supports updating HTML report files correctly.
CSV files are in simplified and standard format which can be read by any spreadsheet application (such as Spread32, Office Mobile, Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric) however this file type does not support colors, and some spreadsheets do not show or save formulas correctly.


Reports under the folder "Overwritten" are indeed overwritten on each analysis, so remember to copy them outside the project folder before editing or running another analysis.
In contrast, reports under the "Appended" folder are just added new data on each analysis, leaving intact any modifications you made. (for more detail see the "Report Template Engine" section below)

Printing the HTML report can be done in your spreadsheet application or browser. Firefox has better image quality, but Internet Explorer shows data aligned and positioned better.

If you're upgrading from an older ProjectCodeMeter version by installing the new version over the old, the new version reports WON'T be used since you may have made modification to the report templates and want to preserve them. In order to use the new reports, select the menu option "Reset Templates Folder.." but be careful since this will delete any changes you made to the templates (so backup your  modified templates if you need them).

Summary Report
This report summarizes the
WMFP, Quality and Quantitative results for the entire project as measured by the last analysis. It is used for overviewing the project measurement results and is the most frequently used report. This report file is generated and overwritten every time you complete an analysis. The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_Summary".

Time  Report
This report shows per file result details, as measured by the last analysis. It is used for inspecting detailed time measurements for several aspects of the source code development. Each file has its details on the same horizontal row as the file name, where measurement values are given in minutes relevant to the file in question, and the property (metric) relevant to that column. The bottom line shows the Total sums for the whole project. This report file is generated and overwritten every time you complete an analysis. The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_Time".

Quality Report
This report shows per file Quality result details, as measured by the last analysis. It is used for inspecting some quality properties of the source code as well as getting warnings and tips for quality improvements (on the last column). Each file has its details on the same horizontal row as the file name, where measurement values marked with % are given in percents relative to the file in question (not the whole project), other measurements are given in absolute value for the specific file. The bottom line shows the Total sums for the whole project. This report file is generated and overwritten every time you complete an analysis. The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_Quality".

Metrics Report
This report shows metric counts for files and/or entire project. It includes counts like Lines of Code, Cyclomatic count, and number of strings, which can be used to asses the size of the code, and as  parameters in your own custom cost algorithm.
The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_Metrics".

Reference Model Report
This report shows calculated traditional Cost Models for the entire project as measured by the last analysis. It is used for reference and algorithm comparison purposes. Includes values for COCOMO, COCOMO II 2000, and REVIC 9.2. The Nominal and Basic values are for a typical standard project, while the Intermediate values are influenced by metrics automatically measured for the project. This report file is generated and overwritten every time you complete an analysis. The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_Reference".

Productivity Report
This report is used for calculating your Development Team Productivity comparing to the average statistical data of the APPW model. You need to open it in a spreadsheet program such as Gnumeric or Microsoft Excel, and enter the Actual Development Time it took your team to develop this code - the resulting Productivity percentage will automatically be calculated and shown at the bottom of the report. In case the value drops significantly and steadily below 100, the development process is less efficient than the average, so it is recommended to see Development productivity improvement tips. This report file is generated and overwritten every time you complete an analysis. The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_Productivity".

Differential Analysis History Report
This report shows history of analysis results. It is used for inspecting development progress over multiple analysis cases (milestones) when using Cumulative Differential Analysis. Each milestone has its own row containing the date it was performed and its analysis result details. Measurements are given in absolute value for the specific milestone (time is in hours unless otherwise noted). The first milestone indicates the project starting point, so all its measurement values are set to 0, it is usually required to manually change its date to the actual projects starting date in order for the Project Span calculations to be effective.  It is recommended to analyze a new sourcecode milestone at every specification or architectural redesign, but not more than once a week as statistical models have higher deviation with smaller datasets. This report file is created once on the first Cumulative Differential Analysis and is updated every time you complete a Cumulative Differential Analysis thereafter. The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the word "_History".
The summary at the top shows the Totals sum for the whole history of the project:
Work hours per Month (Yearly Average) - Input the net monthly work hours customary in your area or market, adjusted for holidays (152 for USA). This field is editable.
Total Expected Project Hours - The total sum of the development hours for all milestones calculated by ProjectCodeMeter. This indicates how long the entire project history should take.
Total Expected Project Cost - The total sum of the development cost for all milestones calculated by ProjectCodeMeter. This indicates how much the entire project history should cost.
Total Modified Logical Lines of Code (LLOC) - The total number of  logical source code lines changed during the entire project history.
Average Cost Per Hour - The calculated average pay per hour across the project milestone history. Useful if the programmers pay has changed over the course of the project, and you need to get the average hourly rate.
Analysis Milestones - The count of analysis cases (rows) in the bottom table.
Project Span Days - The count of days passed from the first milestone to the last, according to the milestone dates. Useful for seeing the gross sum of actual days that passed from the projects' beginning.
Project Span Hours - The net work hours passed from the projects beginning, according to the yearly average working hours.
Average Project Span Productivity % - Your development team productivity compared to the statistical average based on the balance between the WMFP expected development time and the project span, shown in percents. Value of 100 indicated that the development team productivity is exactly as expected according to the source code produced during project duration, As higher values indicate higher productivity than average. Note that holidays (and other out of work days) may adversely affect this index in the short term, but will even out in the long run. Also note that this index is only valid when analyzing each milestone using the most current source code revision. 
Total Actual Development Hours - The total sum of the development hours for all milestones, as was entered for each milestone into this report by the user (on the Actual Time column). The best practice is to analyze the projects source code weekly, if you do so the value you need to enter into the Actual Time column is the number of work hours in your organization that week. Note that if you have not manually updated the Actual Time column for the individual milestones, this will result in a value of 0.
Average Actual Productivity % - Your development team productivity compared to the statistical average based on the balance between the WMFP expected development time and the Actual Time entered by the user, shown in percents. Value of 100 indicated that the development team productivity is exactly as expected (according to the source code produced during project duration), As higher values indicate higher productivity than average. Note that holidays (and other out of work days) may adversely affect this index in the short term, but will even out in the long run. Also note that this index is only valid if the user manually updated the Actual Time column for the individual milestones, and when analyzing each milestone using the most current source code revision. 

Microsoft Project Tasks Report
This reports is compatible with project management software Microsoft Project and ProjectLibre, it lists the source files as tasks with their respective estimated development duration, so you can organize and link them into a complete project plan.
The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the words "MSProject_Tasks"

String Translation Report
This reports helps evaluating costs of spoken language translation of the hard-coded strings in a program. It allows accounting for the amount of words in strings, and difficulty of the language, to determine the time and cost of the job. You will need to edit it in Excel, and set your "Time per Word", "Cost per Second" and "Setup Costs", to get the result that fits your skills and price tag.
The file names for this report are distinguished by ending with the words "String_Translation_Cost"

Report Engine Templates
All reports are generated from template files residing in the Templates folder, see this folder for examples. This folder is created on ProjectCodeMeter's first run, under your Windows user folder (usually "My Documents"). You can use the ProjectCodeMeter menu to easily open this folder.
You can edit existing report templates and create any custom ones. To create a report, create a files of any type and just put it in the Templates folder. When ProjectCodeMeter finishes an analysis, it will copy your report file to the analyzed project reports folder, and replace any macros inside it with the real values measured for that analysis, see a list of Report Template Macros. You can use this custom report engine to create any type of reports, in almost any file type, or even create your own cost model spreadsheet by generating an Excel HTML report that calculates time and cost by taking the measured code metrics and using them in your own Excel function formula (see the file ProjectCodeMeter_Productivity.xls  as an example).
Note you'll have to put it in the appropriate subfolder that indicate how to process it:
There's a folder for each analysis mode (Normal, Differential, Cumulative) and a common folder (Common) used in all modes. On each analysis, the only templates that will be processed are those in the folders relevant for the current mode:
NormalNormal, Common
DifferentialDifferential, Common
CumulativeDifferential, Cumulative, Common
Under each of those folders there are folders for each processing method, Reports under the folder "Overwritten" are indeed overwritten on each analysis,while reports under the "Appended" folder are just added new data on each analysis, leaving intact previous data and any manual modifications you made.

ProjectCodeMeter creates many reports, one for each template file from the template folder. You may delete templates of reports you don't need in order to speed up the generation: Use the menu option "Open Templates Folder" and delete files from there. If you want to restore some of the files you deleted you can always copy the originals from the ProjectCodeMeter install folder (usually under the "Program Files" folder by default), or in case you want to return all templates to their original factory defaults you can use the "Reset Templates Folder" menu option (which will lose any custom reports you changed/created).

Lists Reports
During analysis by default (see Advanced Configuration), or when a user clicks the file list menu command "Extract Elements Lists", ProjectCodeMeter will generate source code element lists, currently strings and code-words. The lists are in TSV (Tab Separated Values) file format, readable by Microsoft Excel, and any text editor, even Notepad.