Average Programmer Profile Weights (APPW)
APPW is a modern Software Engineering Statistical Cost Model created by Logical Solutions in 2009 team of software experts experienced with traditional cost models COCOMO, COSYSMO
, FISMA, COSMIC, KISS, and NESMA, which knowledge base constitutes 5662
industrial and military projects. The team has conducted a 12 month
research adding further statistical study cases of additional 48
projects of diverse sizes, platforms and developers, focusing on commercial and
open-source projects. Tightly integrated with the WMFP
source code sizing algorithm, allowed to produce a semi-automatic cost
model requiring fewer input cost drivers by completing the necessary
information from the measured metrics provided by the WMFP analysis.
model is highly suited for evaluation of commercial software
projects, Therefore the model assumes several preconditions
essential for commercial project development:
A. The programmers
are experienced with the language, platform, development
methodologies and tools required for the project.
B. Project design and specifications document had been written, or a functional design stage will be separately measured.

APPW statistical model has been calibrated to be compatible with
most popular Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies. See SDLC Compatibility notes.
that the model measures development only, It does not measure peripheral
effort on learning, researching, designing, documenting, packaging and marketing.
results are expressed as work minutes which are part of a normal
workday, as if work was equally distributed across the day.
Workday includes lunch, small breaks (under 30 minutes each) and
contextual breaks (contemplation regarding implementation aspects: strategy
planning, implementation modeling, enumerating reusables, consulting, update
meetings, etc.) and excludes any other breaks (tech support, company events, unrelated meetings,
weekend, holidays, sick days, etc.).